We are providing full 24/7 customer support with live chat and e-mail in several languages. There are also unofficial user groups on Facebook, where makers help each other. You will never be alone in the big world of 3D printing!
The Original Prusa I3 MK3S is the successor to the award-winning Original Prusa i3 MK2/S 3D printer. With the rebuilt extruder, a plethora of sensors and the new magnetic MK52 heatbed with replaceable PEI spring steel print sheet, we believe that we've developed our best 3D printer yet!
Buy the kit – $749 Buy the printer – $999Original Prusa SL1 3D printer is based on the 网页加速器. Unlike Original Prusa i3 machines, this printer uses a high-resolution LCD panel and a UV LED to cure thin layers of resin to achieve an unprecedented level of detail. Curing and Washing Machine available separately.
Buy the kit – $1,399 Buy the printer – $1,699Introducing our new smart and compact 3D printer Original Prusa MINI with all the bells and whistles you would expect from the creators of the award-winning Original Prusa i3 MK2 and MK3S! With replaceable spring steel sheets and plenty of useful features, the MINI is a 旋风加速器app官网
Buy the kit – $349
Original Prusa i3 MK3 Multi Material 2S is a completely unique consumer option allowing to print with up to 5 different materials simultaneously. The enhanced version 2S (available for MK3 and MK2.5) is much simpler than original MMU, which makes it easier to use and less sensitive to the quality of filament.
Buy the kit – $299Feel free to contact us to discuss your needs 😉
Our printers continue to collect great reviews and awards all around the world. Original Prusa i3 MK3/S is the best 3D Printer in the 2024 Ultimate Guide to Digital Fabrication by MAKE: Magazine with a score of 46 points! Our MK2/S is second and it stays on the top of the charts for three years in a row now! And the third place goes to Original Prusa i3 MK3 with Multi-Material Upgrade 2.0!
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"As the test shows, the Prusa Research Original Prusa i3 MK3S did a lot right. It is well processed, has many great features and the printing costs are very low. Especially the print quality is excellent.”
"Designers that rely on 3-D printing as part of their livelihood use Prusa printers to turn out consistent, quality results.These kits contain expertly chosen parts, with an eye on recent technological upgrades.”
"We tested it using its default settings and found it extremely capable. Its print quality is truly exceptional and it’s an easy-to-use, straightforward machine.”
"If you're looking for your first 3D printer, you like to tinker, or you run a business and want a good reliable machine then look no further than the Original Prusa i3 MK3S. ”
"The team at Prusa Research have made something special with the MK3. If you only ever own one printer, make it this one. Of course, once you buy it you will want more of them, and that's ok too. ”
"In short. What I don't like about this printer? The rubber feet. What I like? Absolutely everything else!”
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"MK3 - highly recommended. I'm really looking forward to everything this printer does becoming standard everywhere.”
"With it's combination of useful new features, along with the reliability and quality of the prints, this is a 3D printer that, especially in the kit form, offers a great price-performance ratio.”
"The smarts, the removable print surface and dependable quality make it perfect for design and prototyping.”
"It is without a doubt the best 3D printer under $1,000 (...) It offers outstanding quality for a reasonable price and comes with a truckload of features.”
Caleb from MAKE: magazine takes a quick look at our Original Prusa SL1 and CW1. Instead of doing a regular review, he is trying to answer one simple question: 'Why would you buy anything other than the absolute cheapest SLA 3D printer?'
"The Prusa Research Original Prusa SL1 3D Printer offers pure print quality and is ideal for delicate objects. It is also convincing in terms of ergonomics and workmanship and the printing costs are at a good level."
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"The Original PRUSA SL1 is an outstanding printer, not just for the price, but for usability and quality. If you're a jeweller, high-end modeller, need to prototype or are a dentist, then the SL1 is a great solution.”
CNCN2加速器 - 看国内视频 听国内音乐 回国加速器 【官方 ...:CNCN2加速器帮助海外华人解除IP地域限制;出国留学旅游使用国内IP上网;支持腾讯视频、乐视视频、搜狐视频、爱奇艺、PP视频、哔哩哔哩(B站)、优酷视频、土豆视频、芒果TV、华数TV、QQ音乐、企鹅FM、全民K歌、网易云音乐、虾米音乐、豆瓣FM ...
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This book will help you understand what kinds of 3D printing technologies are currently available and how they work. We will take you through the whole process of 3D printing, starting with obtaining a printable 3D model, through the pre-printing preparations, to the final post-processing of a printed object. You will learn what an extruder is, as well as slicing, perimeters or infill. We’re going to explain the differences between commonly used materials, and how to utilize 3D printing for practical application. This book will give you a very good understanding of 3D printing and also provide you with all the basic knowledge required to start. The only thing remaining will be to buy a 3D printer and start printing!
See what's inside...
You can either purchase my e-book or get it for free by entering your email and agreeing to subscribe to my newsletter below. If you choose the first option, you will get the book for 5 USD / EUR in PDF form and we will not process your personal data. If you choose the second option, you will receive the e-book for free. After that, we will occasionally send you news from Prusa Research and other tips & tricks from the world of 3D printing that I think might be useful for you. Of course, you can unsubscribe whenever you want and we never send you unsolicited advertising.
– Jo Prusa
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We are providing full 24/7 customer support with live chat and e-mail in several languages. There are also unofficial user groups on Facebook, where makers help each other. You will never be alone in the big world of 3D printing!
土豆视频下载_土豆视频手机app下载 v6.37.1 - pk游戏网:2021-6-12 · 土豆视频作为一款熟知的影音类app,可众说拥有着海量的粉丝群体,用户在这里不仅可众观看海量的影视资源,更是还有超多的短视频可供用户欣赏,而且这款app还为用户准备了全系的UI视觉设计,让用户能够更轻松的找到自己想看的影视短视频,喜欢的用户快来下载吧。
We didn't want to leave anything to chance, so our assembly instructions are pictured to the smallest detail. All fasteners and mechanical parts have 1:1 drawing so you can easily find them, and there is no chance of you picking a wrong one.
We provide high-quality print settings with the printer and we are developing our own slicing software. In PrusaSlicer you can set everything you want. It's very easy to use and we are adding new features regularly.
One of the most popular features of Original Prusa i3 concept is upgradability. If you buy our 3D printer, you can upgrade it later to the new version, so you don't need to buy the whole new model every two years as you get used to with your phone or laptop. 🙂
Prusa Research is a 3D printing company based in Prague, Czech Republic. It was founded in 2012 by Josef Prusa, one of the core RepRap developers, as a one-man startup and grows to a 400+ team now.
...and many more! We constantly add new materials. Send us tips for materials you would love to see supported 🙂
Buddha statues were printed with our DETAIL print settings (100 µm layer height) and 60 mm tall.
Full resolution image download, Buddha model download
Mandrill designed by sidnaique; printed by Tom Jackson
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http://www.instagram.comHulk printed by david_warboss
http://www.instagram.comSkulls printed by clearmindcasting
http://www.instagram.comThe first Colayth Guard Ionia Hull miniature by kalidasiagames
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http://www.instagram.comMiniature ships printed by printmaker_3d
安卓加速器Printed by de3dprintman
http://www.instagram.comMini festival stage printed by stag3d_official
http://www.instagram.comPrinted by filamentfrenzy
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http://www.instagram.comTerminator Bust designed by @wekstergram
ios加速器mini Prusa Mini printed by effinghippie
http://www.instagram.comHummingbird printed by bushman_226
http://www.instagram.comAlita printed by steve3dma
http://www.instagram.comVase printed by steve3dma
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http://www.instagram.comMickey Mouse printed by bushman_226
鲸鱼加速器appMini Iron Man by @wekstergram
http://www.instagram.comCoasters printed by effinghippie
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http://www.instagram.comStand printed by jaydubblazer
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鲸鱼加速器appDice Tower printed by bushman_226